Compromising AD - Part 2: Post Compromise Enumeration
Post Compromise Enumeration
Load up a command prompt and cd into Downloads
powershell -ep bypass -ep is ExecutionPolicy (Stops us from executing scripts) bypass - bypass :)
Load PowerView
. .\Powerview.ps1
Fundamental Commands
Get-NetDomain //Returns information about the domain Get-NetDomainController // Returns Information about DC Get-DomainPolicy // Returns Domain Policies such as Kerberos Policy, System Access, Version, Registry Values (Get-DomainPolicy)."system access" // Returns Policies about System Access Get-NetUser // Returns all the users Get-NetUser | select cn // Returns all the usernames <br> Get-UserProperty // Returns the properties that a user might have Get-UserProperty -Properties pwdlastset // Returns the property value of pwdlastset Get-UserProperty -Properties logoncount // If some accounts are logged in 0 or less number of times, it may be a honeypot account! Get-NetComputer -FullData // Returns list of all the computers (with Full Data) Get-NetGroup // Returns all the groups in the domain Get-NetGroup -GroupName *admin* // Returns the groups having "admin" in their name Get-NetGroupMember -GroupName "Domain Admins" // Returns the members of the group "Domain Admins" Invoke-ShareFinder // Returns all the SMB Shares in the network // You can see what files are being shared and where they're being shared Get-NetGPO // Returns all the group policies
Bloodhound is a tool which downloads the data of Active Directory and Visualize the data in a graph!
Install Bloodhound
apt install bloodhound
Bloodhound runs on neo4j
We need to change our default credentials
Open Bloodhound
Shaprhound Github and Run on Windows 10 E
Run Commands
Invoke-Bloodhound -CollectionMethod All -Domain MARVEL.local -ZipFileName
Get that Data into Parrot Machine
Upload Data into Bloodhound